Lisp code for the Frobenius problem

The following code was used in support of a class assignment for CS523, March 2009. It goes along with the paper Calculating Frobenius numbers with Boolean Toeplitz matrix multiplication
;; Code to accompany the paper
;; "Calculating Frobenius Numbers with Boolean Toeplitz
;; Matrix Multiplication"
;;  Chris Bogart     3/16/2009     CS523
;; First, the final algorithm (described as "Toeplitz shortcut" in
;; the paper).  Other methods, for comparison, are further
;; down in the file.

;; Structure "toemat" holds a toeplitz matrix
(defstruct toemat size contents)

;; tmat-ref checks a value in a Toeplitz matrix,
;; given an index between -n and n,
;; indexed as follows:
;;   a_0   a_{-1}   a_{-2}   ...   a_{-n}
;;   a_1   a_0      a_{-1}   ...   a_{-n+1}
;;   a_2   a_1      a_0    ...
;;   a_3
;;   ...
;;   a_n
(defun tmat-ref (tm i) (aref (toemat-contents tm) 
                             (+ i (toemat-size tm) )))

;; tmat-set sets a value in a Toeplitz matrix.
(defun tmat-set (tm i v) 
    (setf (aref (toemat-contents tm) 
                (+ i (toemat-size tm) )) v))

;; Create a toeplitz matrix
(defun empty-tmat (n)  
       (make-toemat :size n 
            :contents (make-array (+ (* 2 n) 1) 
                           :initial-element 0)))

;; Make a minimal Frobenius matrix
;; given a list of coin denominations
(defun make-tmat (coins)
   (let ((tm (empty-tmat (apply #'max coins))))
     (dolist (c coins) (tmat-set tm (- c 1) 1))
     (tmat-set tm -1 1)

;; Print a toeplitz matrix
;; in full square matrix form
(defun print-tmat (tm)
   (let ((n (toemat-size tm)))
     (loop for j from 0 to (- n 1) do
       (loop for i from 0 to (- n 1) do
         (format t "~d " (tmat-ref tm (- j i))))
       (format t "~%"))))

;; Multiply two Toeplitz matrices.  Danger: this
;; assumes the result will be another Toeplitz matrix.
;; This is not true in general; only use this function
;; when you know the result will be another Boolean Toeplitz
;; matrix.  I suspect it is a valid assumption when 
;; everything above the superdiagonal is zero.
(defun tmatmult (a b)
   (let* ((n (toemat-size a))
          (c (empty-tmat n)))

   (loop for r from 0 to n do
     (loop for i from 0 to (- n 1)  until (> (tmat-ref c (- r)) 0) do
        (if (and (> (tmat-ref a (- i)) 0) (> (tmat-ref b (- i r)) 0)) 
            (tmat-set c (- r) 1))))

   (loop for r from 1 to n do
     (loop for i from 0 to (- n 1)  until (> (tmat-ref c r) 0) do
        (if (and (> (tmat-ref a (- r i)) 0) (> (tmat-ref b i) 0)) 
            (tmat-set c r 1))))

;; Check: are all entries in this toeplitz matrix
;; nonzero?
(defun tpos-matrix (tmat) 
   (let ((n (toemat-size tmat)) 
         (found 't))
   (loop for i from (- n) to n do
        (if (= 0 (tmat-ref tmat i)) 
          (setf found '())))

;; Find the index of primitivity of a Toeplitz matrix.
;; Again, this assumes that powers of a toeplitz matrix
;; are toeplitz matrices, which is not true in general,
;; but works for this application
(defun tfind-ix-prim (mx)
   (let* ((n (toemat-size mx))
          (k '1)
          (k1 '1)
          (ans '())
          (done '())
          (ps (list mx)))
     (loop while (and (not done) 
                      (< k (+ (expt (- n 1) 2) 1))) do 
        (setf ps (cons (tsquare (car ps)) ps))
        (setf k (* 2 k))
        (if (tpos-matrix (car ps)) (setf done 't)))
     (if (not done) -1
;; else
      (setf ps (cdr ps))
      (setf ans (pop ps))
      (setf k  (/ k 2))
      (setf k1 (/ k 2))
      (loop while ps do
          (let ((ans2 (tmatmult (car ps) ans)))
            (if (not (tpos-matrix ans2))
                  (setf ans ans2) 
                  (setf k (+ k k1)) ))
          (pop ps)
          (setf k1 (/ k1 2))))
      (+ 1 k)))))

;; Square a toeplitz matrix, with the same assumptions.
(defun tsquare (a) (tmatmult a a))

;; Take an exponent of a toeplitz matrix; same
;; assumptions
(defun tpower (a k) 
    (if (= k 1)  
      (if (evenp k) 
         (tsquare (tpower a (/ k 2)))
         (tmatmult a (tpower a (- k 1))))))

;; Find the frobenius number from a list of coin denominations.
(defun tfrob (cs)
   (- (tfind-ix-prim (make-tmat cs)) (apply #'max cs)))

;; =========================================
;; Next are similar functions which compute the same
;; results using fully elaborated matrices.  This has
;; neither the dangerous assumptions nor the comuptational
;; speed of the Toeplitz stuff above.

;; Find the frobenius number from a list of coin denoms
(defun frob (cs)
   (- (find-ix-prim (make-min-frob cs)) (apply #'max cs)))

;; Turn a list of coin denoms into a minimal Frobenius
;; matrix.
(defun make-min-frob (cs)
   (let* ((n (apply #'max cs))
          (lcs (cons 0 cs))
          (r (make-array (list n n) :initial-element 0)))
   (loop for j from 0 to (- n 1) do
     (loop for i from 0 to (- n 1) do
       (if (member (- j i -1) lcs) 
          (setf (aref r i j) 1))))

;; Print a matrix (represented as a 2-d array)
(defun p (mx)
  (let ((n (array-dimension mx 0)))
   (loop for j from 0 to (- n 1) do
     (loop for i from 0 to (- n 1) do
           (format t " ~d" (aref mx i j)))
       (format t "~%"))))
;; Query the size of a matrix
(defun msize (mx) (array-dimension mx 0))

;; Are all entries in this matrix nonzero?
(defun pos-matrix (mx)
   (let ((n (msize mx)) (found 't))
   (loop for i from 0 to (- n 1) do
     (loop for j from 0 to (- n 1) do
             (if (= 0 (aref mx i j)) (setf found '()))))

;; Semi-Ring Matrix Multiplication
;; In each dot product step, STOP as soon as you have
;; a non-zero product.  All we care about is if they
;; are non-zero, not how large they are.
;; Note that all we care about is non-zeroness;
;; multiplying 54 * 17 just gives us 1 here
(defun matmult (a b)
   (let* ((n (array-dimension a 0))
          (c (make-array (list n n) :initial-element 0)))
   (loop for i from 0 to (- n 1) do
     (loop for k from 0 to (- n 1) do
       (loop for j from 0 to (- n 1) until (> 0 (aref c i k)) do
          (if (> (* (aref a i j) (aref b j k)) 0) (setf (aref c i k) 1)))))

;; Real matrix multiplication; this is not currently
;; used, but you can swap it in for verification
(defun matmult-traditional (a b)
   (let* ((n (array-dimension a 0))
          (c (make-array (list n n) :initial-element 0)))
   (loop for i from 0 to (- n 1) do
     (loop for j from 0 to (- n 1) do
       (loop for k from 0 to (- n 1) do
          (incf (aref c i k) 
             (* (aref a i j) (aref b j k))))))

;; Square a matrix
(defun square (a) (matmult a a))

;; Take a power of a matrix.  if it's an
;; even power, divide and conquer.  If it's an
;; odd power, subtract and conquer.
(defun mpower (mx k) 
    (if (= k 1) 
      (if (evenp k) 
         (square (mpower mx (/ k 2)))
         (matmult mx (mpower mx (- k 1))))))

;; Find index of primitivity of a boolean 
;; matrix.  First, square it up to (n-1)^2+1,
;; or until a positive matrix is found.
;; Then, multiply back in old saved squares until
;; the exact exponent is found where the
;; product becomes all positive.
(defun find-ix-prim (mx)
   (let* ((n (array-dimension mx 0))
          (k '1)
          (k1 '1)
          (ans '())
          (done '())
          (ps (list mx)))
     (loop while (and (not done) 
                      (< k (+ (expt (- n 1) 2) 1))) do 
        (setf ps (cons (square (car ps)) ps))
        (setf k (* 2 k))
        (if (pos-matrix (car ps)) (setf done 't)))
     (if (not done) -1
;; else
      (setf ps (cdr ps))
      (setf ans (pop ps))
      (setf k  (/ k 2))
      (setf k1 (/ k 2))
      (loop while ps do
          (let ((ans2 (matmult (car ps) ans)))
            (if (not (pos-matrix ans2))
                  (setf ans ans2) 
                  (setf k (+ k k1)) ))
          (pop ps)
          (setf k1 (/ k1 2))))
      (+ 1 k)))))
;;; ==============================
;;; The following are utility functions for
;;; experimenting with frobenius, primitivity, and
;;; toeplitzity; they're not needed by the stuff above.

;; return all lists of k integers less than or equal to max
(defun allcombos (max k)
   (if (= k 0) 
     (if (= 1 max) 
        (if (= 1 k) '((1)) '())
     ;; else
          (mapcar (lambda (l) (cons max l)) 
                  (allcombos (- max 1) (- k 1)))
          (allcombos (- max 1) k)))))

;; All combinations of k integers less than or equal
;; to max that do not include 1.
(defun allnon1s (max k) (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons max x))
             (remove-if (lambda (x) (member 1 x)) 
                (allcombos (- max 1) (- k 1)))))

;; Run Frobenius calculation on all possible problems
;; where n=k and a_n=max and there is no penny
(defun rRange (max k) (mapcar #'frob (allnon1s max k)))

;; Is a full matrix a toeplitz matrix?
(defun toeplitzp (mx) 
   (let* ((n (array-dimension mx 0)) 
          (toe 't))
     (loop for i from 1 to (- n 1) do
       (loop for j from 1 to (- n 1) do
         (if (not (equal (> (aref mx i j) 0) (> (aref mx (- i 1) (- j 1)) 0))) (setf toe '()))))

;; Detect all cycles in a matrix
(defun cycles (mx)
   (let* ((n (array-dimension mx 0)) 
          (cyc '())
          (pow mx))
      (loop for k from 1 to n do
          (if (> (aref pow 1 1) 0) (push k cyc))
          (setf pow (matmult pow mx)))
;; Produce a "coin matrix" as described in the paper.
(defun coins (cs)
   (let* ((n (apply #'max cs))
          (r (make-array (list n n) :initial-element 0)))
     (loop for i from 0 to (- n 2) do
        (setf (aref r (+ i 1) i) 1))
     (dolist (c cs) (setf (aref r 0 (- c 1)) 1)) 

;; Create a full nxn Toeplitz matrix in order to test
;; out theories about powers of them.  cs should be a list
;; of nonzero indices, with 0 in the corner, negs along the top,
;; and pos running down.  n tells the overall size.
(defun full-toeplitz (cs n)
   (let* ((r (make-array (list n n) :initial-element 0)))
   (loop for j from 0 to (- n 1) do
     (loop for i from 0 to (- n 1) do
       (if (member (- j i) cs) 
          (setf (aref r i j) 1))))

;; Check and see if a toeplitz matrix defined by cs, of size
;; n, can be raised from powers from 1 to k and still remain
;; Toeplitz
(defun powerable-p (r k)
   (let* ((up r)
          (success 't))
    (loop for i from 1 to k do
      (if (not (toeplitzp up)) (progn (setf success '()))
                             ) ;; (format t "OK ~d~%" i))
      (setf up (matmult r up)))